From my perception, I would contend that every form of technological development, including the modern social network, has good and bad elements. I would suggest that it is the users’ range of choices that causes a social network to become a positive enhancement to communication or a degrading element to society.
MXit, the Mobile based instant message service is a perfect point of reference in discussing whether communication is aided or harmed by technology. The suggestion I would like to emphasise is that its effects can be both positive and negative and that the outcome is entirely in the hands of the user.
On the positive side MXit and other technologically advanced social networks simply provide a quick, cheap and efficient form of communication to be used when needed. MXit’s mobility makes it a service that may be used anywhere and anyhow, as long as the user has his/her mobile phone and an active GPRS connection.
This mobility, however, can result in a negative outcome, when used incorrectly. There are not many more aggravating things than talking to a person who at the same time is involved in another conversation with his/her mobile phone. It is quite possible to have a serious conversation with someone while they may simultaneously be exchanging illicit thoughts or discussing what an idiot they think you are with one of their MXit contacts.
Now talking to someone while having a completely different conversation may be perceived as an incredibly good skill – I would suggest that it is blatantly rude and just another form of escapism from personal interaction. It is also likely that Mxit allows people to avoid personal interaction and develop de-humanized relationships with people.
The line between positive and negative is very narrow in terms of these types of social networks. It seems, however, that it is very easy to make the decision of where and when to use such a service. It is in fact simply up to the user whether these networks are an aid to society or simply another aspect of our lives that removes all form of healthy interaction and discussion.
Mike Smith
MXit, the Mobile based instant message service is a perfect point of reference in discussing whether communication is aided or harmed by technology. The suggestion I would like to emphasise is that its effects can be both positive and negative and that the outcome is entirely in the hands of the user.
On the positive side MXit and other technologically advanced social networks simply provide a quick, cheap and efficient form of communication to be used when needed. MXit’s mobility makes it a service that may be used anywhere and anyhow, as long as the user has his/her mobile phone and an active GPRS connection.
This mobility, however, can result in a negative outcome, when used incorrectly. There are not many more aggravating things than talking to a person who at the same time is involved in another conversation with his/her mobile phone. It is quite possible to have a serious conversation with someone while they may simultaneously be exchanging illicit thoughts or discussing what an idiot they think you are with one of their MXit contacts.
Now talking to someone while having a completely different conversation may be perceived as an incredibly good skill – I would suggest that it is blatantly rude and just another form of escapism from personal interaction. It is also likely that Mxit allows people to avoid personal interaction and develop de-humanized relationships with people.
The line between positive and negative is very narrow in terms of these types of social networks. It seems, however, that it is very easy to make the decision of where and when to use such a service. It is in fact simply up to the user whether these networks are an aid to society or simply another aspect of our lives that removes all form of healthy interaction and discussion.
Mike Smith