Monday, May 12, 2008

Music on Tap!

With the development of the I-pod and I-tunes we are now able to buy music on tap so to speak. Music can now be downloaded from the I-tunes store which is found on the internet. Now we can find any type of music at our finger tips from rock to pop to jazz all is a click away. I-tunes has an incredible array of music you can find almost any genre you want. Everything is available.

Now you don’t have to trawl the malls looking at cd store to cd store to find that elusive cd you have been looking for forever. Now it’s available from the comfort of your own home.

People have very different tastes of music and not everyone is a pop-addict that just follows the trends. Now we are able to find the music we like. We don’t have to go from store to store getting odd looks because we are not looking for the latest Britney Spears album.

I-tunes also sells music on a song by song biases so if you only like three of the songs off an album you don’t have to pay the full price anymore. You can purchase the songs you like and that’s all you no longer have to waste money on paying for a whole cd when you only want a few songs. I-tunes are also quicker, easier and less expensive. You don’t have to pay as much as before.

I-tunes has revolutionised the way we purchase music . It has given the consumer the power we now have the ability to chose exactly what we want when we want and how we want. This has made I-tunes the future of music!


Jyothi.Jagat said...

it is very impressive that we can get all the music we require without hving to wait in long queues in stores. The internet has allowed us for easy accessibilty. We can alos get the type of music we want within short spaces of time. As a student buying stuff cheaper is a definite option. Its the music revolution!

Very informative stuff!

Ntokozo Ngcobo said...

Alistar man, now is the time when I couldn't agree with you more. You know, music has always been part of human nature, but there has never been a generation like the current one, that has seen the infiltration of music through wide variety globally (literally). We are able to access music at our finger tips. Indeed, 'music on tap' is the best term to lay it all out. Itunes software is probably the most easiest and popular music software that enables us to download music hassle-free.

Lizelle Basdeo said...

We are living in a new media age where accessibility is becoming more and more easier. Personally, I am avid i-Tunes user and nothing is more relieving than being in the comfort of your own home and shopping for music. You have world of music available at the click of button. It's also brilliant because the very latest tunes are released via i-Tunes, sometimes way before they are available at music stores on disc. The low costs for usage are a bonus. Good Post

Andrew McIntosh said...

I don't even know how I would live, these days without my ipod. Its music at your finger tips I tell you. The ipod has revolutionised the way we listen to music. Its sad in a way that bands and musicians are hurting as the disintegrating cd is costying them money. I feel that with the ipod, musicians need to now adapt this change and finding ways to commercialize their songs. Anyway, ipods are the 'heat' and lets hope they get even better...

Brad Castle said...

Firstly, anyone who knows anything about iPods will fully agree with this post. Secondly, people who do not know anything about iPods, will want to know about them after reading this post. What i liked most was the statement that said we don't have to waste money on CD's because we only liked one song on it. IPods are the best way to personalise your music and they are a must have accessory. The accessories which cab be bought for IPods are also fantastic.

Nice post silly

Sne Gumede said...

very good post Alister, you are so right, music has become our verything for some of us, i dont think i would live a day without having some access to good music. Music has become a part of my life almost.

Chipo Tazvishaya said...

iTunes really is the future of music. I found your post interesting when you stated that we can now purchase the songs we want not the whole album. iPods really have made music more accessible.